Check out some of my featured projects below

Yogurt Landing Page

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Weather app

I built a Vanilla JavaScript weather app in SheCodes Plus, an advanced 8-week JavaScript coding workshop. Building upon my previously-gained knowledge, I also became skilled in Bootstrap, API’s, real-life development workflow, hosting, and advanced JavaScript. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-functioning weather app.


Dictionary App

I immersed myself in React development in SheCodes React. I used my knowledge of this highly-demanded framework to build a working dictionary app incorporating coding best practices, along with the most popular tools and technologies.

Weather app

I built a Vanilla JavaScript weather app in SheCodes Plus, an advanced 8-week JavaScript coding workshop. Building upon my previously-gained knowledge, I also became skilled in Bootstrap, API’s, real-life development workflow, hosting, and advanced JavaScript. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-functioning weather app.
